Hi, Luchelle! Thanks a lot for trying us out. We definitely try our best to grab you the best quality of items that you need.
Each purchase helps our local fishing and farming industry as Mega Q Mart's goods come straight from the farms or seas.
If ever there'll be an item that you ordered wherein everything that's peak freshness has been grabbed by the hotels, restaurants and supermarkets at 2am in the morning, we'll let you know hours before we deliver your item. We will give you alternatives, ask for alternatives or if push comes to shove, a full discount. We cannot fully guarantee that all items are available 24/7, sadly.
Oh! You can also ask us to remove fish innards and scales. :)
Some old people ask us to do that for them since some don't have any kasambahay at home to help them out...
With that said, I hope that you'll be pleased by our services with your future orders. Thank you very much!